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The Zero Trust Model: Implications for MSPs

ConnectSecure  |   May 17, 2023

Although the Zero Trust concept first emerged in 2010, it has received growing attention amid escalating cyber threats. The past decade has indeed proved John Kindervag right. The Forrester analyst and thought leader coined the term based on his perspective that risk is always present, both inside and outside of a network.

His security model brought a paradigm shift in network security strategy that now informs the Biden’s administration’s cybersecurity policies; in 2021, for instance, the administration mandated U.S. federal agencies adhere to NIST 800-207 as a necessary step for Zero Trust implementation.

Rooted in the principle of "never trust, always verify," the model has important implications for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). While a full implementation of Zero Trust might not be feasible or necessary for all small- to midsize businesses (SMBs), MSPs can leverage the principles to deliver more effective, tailored services to their clients (more on that in this post).

Understanding Zero Trust

Historically, network security operated on the premise of "trust but verify." The assumption was that users and devices within the network could be trusted, while those outside required verification. However, this trust-based model that focused on “perimeter security” has proven insufficient in the face of sophisticated cyber threats and the proliferation of remote work and cloud-based applications.

In recent years, countless incidents have put the spotlight on such weaknesses:

  • Human error alone — accidentally giving up credentials, clicking on malicious links, etc. — accounts for 82% of all data breaches, according to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report. Those mistakes, triggered by techniques like social engineering and phishing, allow attackers to bypass traditional perimeter security measures to steal data, install malware, and more.
  • Zero-day attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in software that the vendor is not aware of have also proven to be challenging to defend against. The Log4j vulnerability, for instance, sent shockwaves through the global tech industry in late 2021. Although remediation has since defused the most urgent threat, the vulnerability, found in the Apache Log4j library, a ubiquitous Java logging tool, is still omnipresent in systems worldwide.
  • The SolarWinds supply chain attack, also known as the Sunburst hack, in 2021 is another prime example of why organizations cannot afford to be complacent with their security, even when it comes to standard service accounts and previously trusted tools. Hackers gained access to a wide range of organizations by compromising a trusted software vendor, SolarWinds, to install trojan malware on the targets’ systems.

Enter Zero Trust, a model that operates under the assumption that a threat can originate from anywhere — inside or outside the network. Although not a silver bullet, it can help organizations improve their security posture and reduce their risk of a data breach. It stipulates that every user and device, regardless of their location, must be verified before being granted access to network resources. Verification is based on various factors such as user identity, device health, and the sensitivity of the resources being accessed.

The Zero Trust model is based on three key principles:

  • Least privilege: Users and devices should only be granted the minimum level of access that they need to perform their job functions.
  • Micro-segmentation: The network should be segmented into small, isolated zones, making it more difficult for attackers to move laterally within the network.
  • Continuous monitoring: The network should be continuously monitored for suspicious activity.

Should MSPs and Their Clients Implement Zero Trust?

The applicability of the Zero Trust model depends largely on the specific needs, resources, and risk profile of each organization. While not every organization may need to fully implement a Zero Trust model, most can benefit from considering its core principles. This is particularly true for organizations that handle sensitive data, such as healthcare entities, financial institutions, and government agencies. In these cases, the implementation of Zero Trust can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and other cyber threats.

For smaller organizations or those with less sensitive data, fully implementing a Zero Trust model may seem daunting or unnecessary although they can apply aspects of Zero Trust to their security strategy. For instance, they might focus on strengthening user identity verification processes, improving network visibility and segmentation, and implementing continuous monitoring. A thorough assessment of their IT infrastructure to identify all access points, vulnerabilities, and risk exposure is also a fundamental component of any cybersecurity strategy.

Leveraging Zero Trust Principles to Service MSPs

In this area, MSPs has a vital role to play. Embracing Zero Trust principles can significantly enhance their ability to safeguard these customers' environments, especially regarding compliance and vulnerability management.

  1. Compliance Management: Regulatory compliance, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, necessitates strict control over who can access sensitive data. Zero Trust principles can be instrumental in achieving this control. By default, access is denied until a user or system is adequately authenticated and authorized, ensuring only the minimum necessary access is granted. This aligns with compliance principles that dictate limited access to sensitive data.

    MSPs can leverage this in their service offering by providing a compliance management service that incorporates Zero Trust principles. This can include implementing robust identity and access management controls, encryption and tokenization of data, and continuous monitoring and logging for audit purposes.

  2. Vulnerability Management: Zero Trust principles can significantly enhance an MSP's vulnerability management service. A central tenet of Zero Trust is maintaining visibility and control over all network communications. This means continuously monitoring and inspecting all network traffic, regardless of where it originated or its destination.

    Applying this principle helps MSPs to identify vulnerabilities in the client's network promptly. This continuous monitoring can identify suspicious behavior or unusual data patterns that could signal a vulnerability or an ongoing attack. As a result, MSPs can provide more proactive and effective vulnerability management services.

  3. Providing tailored advice: MSPs are in a unique position to offer tailored advice to their SMB clients, assessing their risk profile, reviewing existing security measures, and suggesting practical steps to boost their security posture.

  4. Building Trust: By demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of Zero Trust and how it can enhance security, MSPs can build trust with their clients. This understanding reassures clients that their MSP is up-to-date with the latest security best practices and is committed to protecting their data.

Final Word

Zero Trust is not a product or solution that can be purchased and implemented overnight. It's a strategic approach to cybersecurity that requires thorough planning, technology investment, and ongoing management. Organizations should assess their specific needs, resources, and potential security risks to determine how to best incorporate Zero Trust principles into their existing security strategies.

While not all organizations may need to fully implement Zero Trust, all can benefit from understanding and applying its core principles to their cybersecurity strategies as appropriate.

ConnectSecure is here to help you win more SMB deals by empowering you to become their trusted cybersecurity partner for vulnerability and compliance. Start leveraging ConnectSecure today. Contact us to learn more or sign up for a free 14-day trial.

More good reads:
Whitepaper: How to win business with cybersecurity assessments
5 ways vulnerability management can drive profits for MSPs
Understanding the big picture of cybersecurity starts with NIST