ConnectSecure: A
different breed of cybersecurity

ConnectSecure: A
different breed of cybersecurity


Our focus is on MSPs

We turn the defense against cyber threats into a powerful strategic tool for MSPs. In fact, our sole purpose is to help you grow your business. We know exactly how you can initiate intelligent conversations about cybersecurity with your SMB customers. And we know exactly what kind of solution you need to effortlessly thrive amid the challenges of a hyper-connected world. As a completely employee-owned company, your needs always come first.

We are part of a community that’s part of us

The best partnerships are based on a free exchange of information. That’s why we schedule weekly calls with our MSP partners to get their immediate and continuous feedback. When you speak, we listen and act. Your needs drive our upgrades. We are the only community-led tool on the market—and it shows.

ConnectSecure is built on a legacy of cybersecurity

Built by MSPs for MSPs is more than a slogan. ConnectSecure was founded to harness the expertise and decades of industry know-how of our team into a solution that fills a crucial gap in the market. Now, we’re leveraging our past success in the cybersecurity space to launch a new era for network security and business growth.

Learn how to win business with cybersecurity vulnerability assessments

Cyberattacks present an existential threat to SMBs. But you can help them thrive. Earn their confidence and build your credibility by leveraging cybersecurity assessments. It’ll be good for your bottom line.