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Vulnerability Remediation: Key Steps for MSPs to Strengthen Client Security

ConnectSecure  |   Oct 18, 2024

When managing the security of multiple clients as a managed service provider (MSP), the sheer number of vulnerabilities across networks, applications, and devices can seem overwhelming.

As of August 2024, Statista reports 25,583 new common IT security vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) have been discovered, which means we’re on track to outpace 2023’s record tally by more than 10,000.

While identifying vulnerabilities is critical, it’s far from enough. For all the vulnerabilities that have been uncovered, only a small percentage poses such a critical risk that they demand immediate attention. This means you must have a clear plan for remediation—where vulnerabilities are systematically prioritized, remediated, and monitored to ensure ongoing protection.

In this post, we’ll look into the specifics of vulnerability remediation for MSPs, why it’s critical for business growth, and how you can leverage advanced remediation tools to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

What Is Vulnerability Remediation?

Vulnerability remediation is the process of discovering, prioritizing, fixing, and continuously monitoring security flaws across IT environments. Vulnerabilities can range from misconfigured software, unpatched systems, and weak access controls to more severe threats like outdated firmware or exposed API endpoints.

For MSPs, this process is a continuous, proactive defense mechanism. Without remediation, identifying vulnerabilities is just a diagnostic step without treatment.

Key Elements of Vulnerability Remediation:

  1. Discovery: MSPs perform regular scans using vulnerability management tools to detect risks in client environments.
  2. Prioritization: Not all vulnerabilities are equal. Prioritizing based on risk—using methods like CVSS scoring and EPSS (Exploit Prediction Scoring System)—helps MSPs focus on the most critical vulnerabilities first.
  3. Remediation: After prioritizing, actions like patching, upgrading configurations, or tightening security policies are implemented to resolve the issues.
  4. Monitoring: After fixing the vulnerabilities, continuous monitoring ensures new weaknesses are quickly identified and addressed, creating a loop of proactive protection.

By integrating these four elements into everyday operations, MSPs not only reduce the attack surface but also demonstrate to clients that their environments are well-secured and up-to-date.

How Can MSPs Drive Business with Vulnerability Remediation?

By offering vulnerability remediation, you improve client security, and with that added security comes increased client trust. What business doesn’t want to partner with an MSP that looks out for them? Here’s how it helps you boost business growth:

1. It’s a Differentiator in a Crowded Market

In the competitive managed services market, clients want to know their MSP is capable of not only identifying risks but also resolving them effectively. MSPs that highlight their ability to handle comprehensive vulnerability remediation position themselves as proactive, security-driven partners.

2. It Adds Tangible Value for Clients

Many clients assume their IT systems are secure until an incident proves otherwise. By actively engaging in remediation, MSPs can show measurable improvements in the client’s security posture. This leads to increased client retention and trust, as they see value beyond routine network maintenance.

3. It Opens the Door to Compliance Services

In many industries, maintaining compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and NIS2 is non-negotiable. Vulnerability remediation directly ties into compliance efforts by ensuring that IT environments meet security standards, protect sensitive data, and prevent costly fines from non-compliance. MSPs can leverage vulnerability remediation as a foundation for offering comprehensive compliance management services, which often demand continuous monitoring, reporting, and remediation to stay within regulatory boundaries.

What Are the Four Steps of Vulnerability Remediation?

For MSPs looking to incorporate vulnerability remediation as a core service, mastering the following steps is crucial:

Step 1: Identifying Vulnerabilities — A Continuous Process

The first step in the vulnerability remediation process is identifying security weaknesses. This can be done through regular scans and audits using vulnerability management tools like ConnectSecure. These tools perform automatic scans across the entire infrastructure, flagging out-of-date software, misconfigurations, unpatched systems, and other areas of weakness. It's important to note that identification is ongoing, not a one-off task, as new vulnerabilities emerge constantly.

Step 2: Prioritization  — The Risk-Based Approach

Not all vulnerabilities carry the same weight in terms of risk. MSPs must prioritize remediation efforts by evaluating the potential impact of a vulnerability and the likelihood of it being exploited. Tools like CVSS scoring and EPSS can help determine which vulnerabilities should be addressed first. For example, a vulnerability that could allow a hacker to gain full access to client data should take precedence over a low-risk misconfiguration.

MSPs must remember that effective prioritization not only helps safeguard client assets but also conserves resources by focusing on what matters most.

Learn more about this topic: EPSS Scoring: A Quick Guide for MSPs on Vulnerability Prioritization

Step 3: Remediation  — Taking Action

Remediation involves applying patches, reconfiguring systems, or upgrading software to eliminate the identified vulnerabilities. In some cases, this can be as simple as updating a piece of software, while in others, it may require more complex actions, such as changing access control policies or replacing outdated hardware. MSPs should ensure that remediation happens quickly for high-risk vulnerabilities and make use of automation wherever possible to streamline the process.

One key element here is automated remediation, which allows MSPs to immediately take action once a vulnerability is identified. For example, ConnectSecure’s automated remediation feature enables MSPs to patch vulnerabilities in real-time, ensuring security without manual intervention.

Step 4: Monitoring and Ongoing Management

After remediating vulnerabilities, continuous monitoring ensures that no new threats go unnoticed. MSPs must regularly scan their clients' systems for any new vulnerabilities and monitor previous issues to ensure they don't re-emerge. By implementing continuous monitoring, MSPs can ensure long-term security and compliance, rather than treating remediation as a one-off event.

Can Vulnerability Remediation Boost Compliance for MSP Clients?

As mentioned earlier, vulnerability remediation ties directly into various compliance frameworks. Whether it's GDPR, HIPAA, or NIS2, regulatory bodies require businesses to ensure that their IT systems are secure and vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.

By offering remediation as part of their services, MSPs can help clients remain compliant with these regulatory requirements. In doing so, MSPs open up new business opportunities, as many organizations actively seek partners who can help them meet regulatory standards and avoid penalties.

Additionally, having compliance reporting tools in place—such as those integrated into platforms like ConnectSecure—allows MSPs to provide clients with detailed reports showcasing the steps taken to secure their environments. This builds trust and serves as a tangible asset during compliance audits.

How Can Vulnerability Remediation for MSPs Boost Client Security and Business Growth?

Implementing a robust vulnerability remediation program enhances security and helps MSPs demonstrate their value to clients in clear and measurable ways:

  • Improved Client Retention: Clients are more likely to stay with an MSP that actively protects their systems and minimizes security risks. Remediation helps build long-term trust.
  • Increased Revenue: Offering vulnerability remediation services allows MSPs to upsell more comprehensive cybersecurity packages, generating new revenue streams.
  • Stronger Competitive Edge: MSPs that can offer proactive remediation stand out in a crowded market where many competitors may only offer basic security services.
  • Streamlined Operations: Automated tools reduce manual work, allowing MSPs to scale their operations without significantly increasing overhead.

What’s an Example of Vulnerability Remediation?

A telling example of the impact of vulnerability remediation comes from Alvarez Technology Group (ATG). This California MSP embraced proactive cybersecurity before most peers, making managed security services a central feature of their business model.

By leveraging ConnectSecure, ATG was able to not only uncover but also quickly remediate vulnerabilities in a client’s third-party vendor products. The client, a large retirement community, was unaware that both their payroll company and pool monitoring system were using insecure applications that put them at risk of exploitation. Once the gaps had been identified, ATG followed remediative steps that reduced the client’s risk exposure and showcased their value as a trusted MSP.

Read the Success Story: How ConnectSecure Enabled Alvarez Technology Group to Drive Instant Value

Final Thoughts: MSPs Must Move Beyond Detection to Remediation

The number of vulnerabilities will likely keep increasing as technology evolves, but identifying them is only part of the equation. To truly safeguard client systems, MSPs must prioritize vulnerability remediation, taking proactive steps to close security gaps before attackers exploit them. By integrating remediation into their service offering, MSPs can enhance their clients’ security, drive compliance, and unlock new growth opportunities.

For MSPs looking for the right tools, platforms like ConnectSecure provide an all-in-one solution to manage vulnerability remediation efficiently, ensuring that every potential threat is not only detected but swiftly eliminated.

Take Action with ConnectSecure

Ready to improve your vulnerability remediation process and safeguard your clients' systems? Start your free 14-day trial of ConnectSecure today or book a One-on-One Demo and see how our platform can streamline your cybersecurity efforts while helping your clients stay on the right side of regulations.

Read More:
Automating Vulnerability Remediation: A Game-Changing Strategy for MSPs
The Economic Case for ConnectSecure’s Security Vulnerability Remediation
Vulnerability Patching: A Must-Have in Every MSP Service Offering