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Solving Challenges with a Vulnerability Management Platform: Five Success Stories

ConnectSecure  |   Jul 23, 2024

As an MSP, you’re no stranger to the constant battle against cybersecurity threats and the challenge of demonstrating value to your clients. Perhaps you’ve faced the frustration of using multiple fragmented tools that don’t integrate well, or you’ve struggled with the inefficiencies of manual vulnerability management. Finding the right vulnerability management platform can streamline your operations and enhance your service offerings.

In this blog post, we'll explore five success stories from MSPs like you who transformed their businesses with ConnectSecure. These stories illustrate the tangible benefits of adopting a comprehensive VM platform to overcome common challenges and drive business growth.

The Impact of Leveraging the Right Vulnerability Management Platform

Alvarez Technology Group

Challenges: Alvarez Technology Group (ATG), a California-based, forward-thinking network security and compliance expert, had a lot of issues with their previous vulnerability management tool. It lacked depth, accuracy, and development, frustrating ATG as they aimed to offer reliable cybersecurity services to clients in regulated industries like banking. Their tool's stagnation, comprehensive security needs, and increasing client demands prompted them to seek a new solution.

Solution: ATG discovered ConnectSecure’s vulnerability management platform, which provided the detailed insights, integrations, and automation they needed at a competitive price. The platform enabled ATG to perform deep vulnerability assessments, generate comprehensive risk scores, and provide clear remediation roadmaps, enhancing their overall service delivery.

Results: ConnectSecure allowed ATG to transition to continuous vulnerability monitoring, improving service quality and compliance alignment. The transparency and detailed reports built client trust, and real-time vulnerability management significantly reduced breach risks. Operational efficiency was boosted with a user-friendly dashboard, and continuous updates ensured ATG's services remained competitive and effective.

Comments Luis Alvarez, CEO of ATG, “Our relationship with ConnectSecure is incredibly collaborative,” They are very responsive to feedback, often incorporating it into product updates rapidly which helps keep our services relevant and effective.”

Read the Full ATG Success Story


Challenges: ITPS, UK-based data center and managed IT services expert, struggled to offer robust vulnerability management to small and midsize businesses (SMBs) due to the high costs associated with existing tools. This hindered their ability to scale their services and limited their market reach. The lack of a solution tailored to MSPs added to their challenges.

Solution: ConnectSecure provided ITPS with a cost-effective, feature-rich vulnerability management solution designed specifically for MSPs. The platform's competitive price and comprehensive capabilities, including automated patching and detailed reporting, allowed ITPS to efficiently manage vulnerabilities across diverse client environments.

Results: With ConnectSecure, ITPS could now offer world-class security at an affordable price, opening doors to new client engagements and strengthening existing relationships. The platform's ease of deployment and quick results made it a valuable sales tool, enhancing ITPS's service portfolio and enabling them to provide continuous vulnerability monitoring, which is crucial for compliance and cyber insurance requirements. The responsive partnership with ConnectSecure further ensured that ITPS could continuously improve their offerings and stay ahead in the competitive MSP market.

Comments Simon Hopkin, Head of Cyber Security at ITPS, “It’s been an excellent tool for us to drive engagement. It’s very quick and easy to deploy and you get almost immediate results.”

Read the Full ITPS Success Story


Challenges: Entara, a Chicago-based, security-first eXtended Service Provider (XSP), faced significant challenges with their previous vulnerability management tool. These included inaccurate vulnerability detection, an inefficient remediation process, a complex interface, an obscure prioritization process, lackluster reporting, and a lack of multi-tenant view, which made it challenging to scale their services.

Solution: Entara chose ConnectSecure due to its user-friendly, multi-tenant dashboard and comprehensive reporting capabilities. The platform enabled them to streamline vulnerability management processes, perform accurate remediation, and generate customizable reports, significantly enhancing their service delivery.

Results: By integrating ConnectSecure, Entara achieved operational efficiency, improved client satisfaction, and expanded their service offerings. The time spent managing vulnerabilities decreased from 15 to 10 hours per week per client, and the ability to provide detailed, transparent reports strengthened client trust. ConnectSecure also helped Entara to better manage their team and meet compliance requirements, solidifying their position as a leading cybersecurity provider.

Comments McKaila Posey, Cybersecurity Manager at Entara, “It has transformed our service delivery. Not only has ConnectSecure helped our clients really see the value we bring, but the metrics of our engineers also look fantastic.”

Read the Full Entara Success Story

Rouse Consulting Group

Challenges: Rouse Consulting Group (RCG), a leading MSP headquartered in the Quad Cities (Moline, Ill.), needed to respond to increasing client demands for cybersecurity due to heightened regulatory pressures and the need for cyber liability insurance. Their existing solutions were insufficient for providing continuous scanning, proactive vulnerability assessment, and support for compliance requirements like PCI and HIPAA.

Solution: RCG adopted ConnectSecure, which offered a comprehensive platform for vulnerability management, remediation, and compliance. Its continuous scanning capabilities, ease of scaling, and cost-effectiveness made it the perfect fit for RCG’s needs.

Results: ConnectSecure has helped RCG accelerate business growth by attracting new customers and expanding service offerings. It has improved internal efficiency, provided valuable client insights, enhanced vendor accountability, and enabled a proactive response to emerging threats. The platform also serves as an effective prospecting tool, helping RCG showcase its capabilities and secure new clients.

Comments Paul Rouse, President of Rouse Consulting, “The ability that ConnectSecure has given us to validate other toolsets is hugely important. It has really transformed a lot of our internal operations and provided tremendous value.”

Read the Full Rouse Success Story

TeamLogic IT

Challenges: TeamLogic IT in Hartford, Conn., a well-known member of the TeamLogic family, concluded their vendor was not a good fit. For example, difficult-to-decipher reports required substantial editing and the patch management process was inefficient with no clear way to determine effectiveness. The fear-based sales tactics also did not resonate with the TeamLogic leadership.

Solution: ConnectSecure’s comprehensive platform for vulnerability management, remediation, and compliance provided an all-in-one solution. ConnectSecure’s early detection capabilities and lightweight agent installation, which left no impact on client infrastructure performance, impressed the TeamLogic team.

Results: With ConnectSecure, TeamLogic experienced improved services and increased revenue by uncovering vulnerabilities and proving their value to clients. Enhanced patch management, informed sales conversations, valuable vulnerability assessments, and seamless agent installation have led to greater client trust and business growth.

Comments Sandeep Kaushal, President of TeamLogic IT, “ConnectSecure is a very important tool for us to determine the health of our prospects during onboarding. There’s no impact on performance and we’re able to collect a lot of data. There’s twofold benefit to that — we know what’s going on with their infrastructure and clients know we can provide proof that we’re keeping an eye on things.”

Read the Full TeamLogic IT Success Story

Experience the ConnectSecure Difference for Yourself

Finding the right vulnerability management platform can make all the difference for MSPs looking to overcome cybersecurity challenges and fuel business growth. The experiences of these five companies highlight how ConnectSecure can transform service delivery, streamline operations, and enhance client satisfaction.

Ready to see the benefits for yourself? Sign up for a 14-Day Free Trial or schedule a Free Live One-on-One Demo with ConnectSecure today and discover how our solutions can elevate your business.

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