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Boosting MSP Revenue with Vulnerability Management as a Service

ConnectSecure  |   Jul 9, 2024

How can you, as an MSP, enhance your service offerings and drive revenue growth? One of the most effective strategies is adopting Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS). This approach not only helps you safeguard your clients' IT environments but also presents numerous opportunities for revenue generation.

In this blog post, we'll explore several strategies you can employ to leverage VMaaS for boosting your revenue and take a look at an MSSP and an MSPs that are successfully doing exactly that with the help of ConnectSecure.

What is Vulnerability Management as a Service?

Before we jump into the strategies, let's define what VMaaS entails. Vulnerability Management as a Service involves the regular scanning, identification, assessment, and remediation of security vulnerabilities in IT systems. By offering these services, MSPs can provide continuous protection against potential threats, ensuring their clients' environments are secure and compliant.

How to Drive Revenue with VMaaS

Upselling and Cross-Selling

One of the primary ways to increase revenue through VMaaS is by upselling and cross-selling. By integrating vulnerability management into your existing service portfolio, you can offer comprehensive security solutions that address a wider range of client needs. For instance, if you're providing basic IT support, you can introduce VMaaS as an advanced security feature, highlighting its benefits in protecting against cyber threats.

Cross-selling opportunities also abound. You can bundle VMaaS with other services such as vulnerability patching, compliance management, and network monitoring. This not only increases the overall value proposition but also enhances client satisfaction by providing a one-stop-shop for all their cybersecurity needs.

Client Retention

Client retention is crucial for any MSP aiming for sustained revenue growth. Offering VMaaS can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Clients are more likely to stay with an MSP that proactively manages and mitigates vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the risk of cyber incidents.

Regular vulnerability assessments and remediation efforts demonstrate to clients that you are committed to their security. This proactive approach builds trust and strengthens the client-MSP relationship, leading to long-term contracts and steady revenue streams.

New Market Opportunities

Vulnerability management is a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. By offering VMaaS, you can tap into new market opportunities and attract clients who prioritize cybersecurity. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), in particular, often lack the resources to manage vulnerabilities effectively. You can position your MSP as an essential partner in safeguarding these businesses against cyber threats.

Moreover, as regulatory requirements for data protection become more stringent, organizations are increasingly seeking partners who can help them achieve compliance. The same goes for the growing interest in acquiring cyber insurance. Typically, companies will discover that a prerequisite to getting insured is being able to prove they have all proactive cybersecurity controls in place to reduce the risk of a breach. Again, you can leverage vulnerability management as a service to help your clients achieve just that. (Reading tip: Preparing for Cyber Insurance Audits with Compliance Scanners)

VMaaS can also be a compelling selling point for MSPs looking to expand their client base in regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail.

Efficiency Gains

Automation is a key component of VMaaS, allowing you to streamline operations and reduce the manual effort required for vulnerability management. Automated scanning, reporting, and remediation tools free up valuable time and resources, enabling you to focus on higher-value activities that drive revenue.

Efficiency gains also translate to cost savings. By minimizing the time spent on repetitive tasks, you can reduce operational costs and improve your profit margins. Additionally, the ability to scale vulnerability management services without a corresponding increase in labor costs makes VMaaS an attractive proposition for growing MSPs.

Value Proposition

In a competitive market, you need to differentiate yourself by offering unique and valuable services. VMaaS enhances your value proposition by providing robust cybersecurity measures that address clients' critical concerns. Highlighting the importance of vulnerability management in sales pitches and marketing materials can attract clients who are serious about protecting their digital assets.

A strong value proposition also facilitates easier client acquisition. Prospective clients are more likely to choose an MSP that offers comprehensive security solutions, including VMaaS, over one that provides only basic IT services. This differentiation can be a decisive factor in winning new business.

Real-World Success Stories Show VMaaS Potential

To further illustrate the benefits of VMaaS, here are three recent case studies that showcase how MSPs have successfully implemented VMaaS to drive revenue growth:

Case Study 1: CyberVision 24/7

Challenge: CyberVision 24/7, a premier managed security service provider (MSSP), based in Laval, Quebec, Canada. needed advanced cybersecurity features to meet growing client demands, particularly auto-patching for third-party applications, compliance reports, and a more efficient vulnerability scanner.

Solution: ConnectSecure was chosen for its comprehensive feature set and competitive pricing, including automated patching, detailed reporting, and a user-friendly interface, enhancing CyberVision’s cybersecurity services.

Results: ConnectSecure now constitutes 50% of CyberVision's service portfolio and is the MSSP’s “foot in the door” to driving new business. The partnership has enabled CyberVision to deliver enhanced security features, automate third-party patching, and provide detailed, valuable insights to their clients.

Read Full CyberVision Case Study

Case Study 2: Palitto Consulting Services

Challenge: Palitto Consulting, a trusted IT firm in Ohio, faced fragmented visibility and inefficient vulnerability management with their previous multi-platform setup, which lacked scalability and required significant manual effort.

Solution: By adopting ConnectSecure, Palitto Consulting streamlined their vulnerability management into a unified platform, offering automation, improved visibility, and scalability. This transition addressed their need for a user-friendly and cost-effective solution.

Results: ConnectSecure enabled Palitto Consulting to enhance efficiency, improve client communication, and strengthen security postures. The comprehensive and automated platform transformed their service delivery, allowing them to better educate clients and maintain high-security standards.

Read Full Palitto Case Study

Become an Indispensable MSP Partner with ConnectSecure

Incorporating Vulnerability Management as a Service into your offerings provides you with a powerful tool to enhance your service portfolio and drive revenue growth. By leveraging VMaaS, you can upsell and cross-sell services, improve client retention, tap into new market opportunities, and achieve efficiency gains. The strong value proposition of VMaaS positions you as an essential partner in your clients' cybersecurity journey.

By proactively managing vulnerabilities, you can build trust, enhance client satisfaction, and drive revenue growth in an increasingly competitive market. As CyberVision’s Director Christophe Gagnon put it, “I signed up for a ConnectSecure trial and never looked back.” Try us for yourself.  Sign up for a free 14-day trial today.

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