Attack Surface Scanning
Attack Surface Scanning
Have you locked every window in your digital fort? An attack surface scan will tell.
Perform external Deep Attack Surface Scans to identify and address vulnerabilities in digital infrastructure and enhance overall security:
Comprehensive Infrastructure Analysis: Foster cyber resilience by uncovering everything public-facing about an organization’s infrastructure that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors.
Complete Visibility: Scan network hosts, analyze web applications, enumerate subdomains, identify open ports, and perform other reconnaissance tasks to ensure all vulnerabilities are promptly identified and addressed.
Actionable Insights: Take the lead on proactive defense with a complete understanding of the client’s attack surface.
Threat Intelligence: Identify open ports, target IPs, subdomains, emails/username compromised on the dark web.
Reducing attack surface begins by understanding its extent
Risk mitigation is impossible without knowing what’s at stake. The attack surface is the sum of all the ways an attacker can access a system or network. It includes the points of interaction — the doors and windows of your digital fortress — which, if left unsecured, could grant unauthorized access to sensitive data or resources. ConnectSecure's attack surface scanning gives you, the MSP, an “outside-in” view of all IT assets. This external perspective delivers a range of benefits: