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Application Baseline Audit

Application Baseline Audit

ConnectSecure Baseline Application Audit gives you the insights you need to take proactive action

Harness the power of a comprehensive software system assessment to proactively reduce vulnerabilities, and monitor both the required and denied software services across all assets.

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Global and Customer Level Monitoring: Track all software services and applications to ensure no crucial detail is overlooked and all vulnerabilities are promptly addressed.

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Mandatory Application and Service Monitoring: Receive real-time alerts of any anomalies and ensure all applications and services are running as they should. Denied Application and Service Monitoring: Enable swift action to prevent potential security breaches with instant alerts of unwelcome elements in your digital environment

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Support Over 600 Third-Party Applications: Leave nothing to chance with support for whatever software your clients use.

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Flexible Policy Levels: Tailor protection to your operational structure and security requirements with policy settings at both a local and company level.

Become your clients’ cybersecurity ally

Enhance your MSP toolkit with our latest ConnectSecure video tutorial on Application Baseline Overview. Discover how to conduct thorough audits of your clients' software environments, ensuring optimal security and performance. This guide will empower you with the knowledge to identify vulnerabilities, manage risks, and offer tailored solutions that keep your clients' applications running smoothly and securely. Start learning now.
   Application Baseline Audit​

Application Baseline Audit: Why does it matter?

An application baseline audit is crucial for MSPs for several key reasons:

Security Risk Assessment

An application baseline audit helps MSPs identify and assess the security posture of the applications used by their clients. By understanding which applications are installed and how they are configured, MSPs can pinpoint potential security vulnerabilities, such as outdated software or unauthorized applications that could serve as entry points for cyber threats.

Compliance Assurance

Many industries have specific compliance requirements regarding the types of applications that can be used and how they are managed. An application baseline audit enables MSPs to ensure that their clients' applications comply with these regulatory standards, thus avoiding potential legal and financial penalties

Optimizing Software Licenses and Costs

By auditing the applications across client networks, MSPs can manage software licenses more effectively. This involves ensuring that all software is properly licensed, identifying unused or underutilized applications, and eliminating unnecessary expenses, leading to cost savings for clients.

Performance and Efficiency

Through application baseline audits, MSPs can analyze the usage and performance of applications. This enables them to recommend optimizations, updates, or replacements that improve overall system performance and operational efficiency for their clients.

Customized IT Strategies

Understanding the application landscape across client networks allows MSPs to tailor their IT strategies and support more effectively. They can offer more personalized advice on software upgrades, security practices, and workflow improvements.

Disaster Recovery Planning

An application baseline audit provides MSPs with a clear inventory of critical applications, which is essential for effective disaster recovery planning. In the event of a data breach or system failure, having this information readily available helps in quickly restoring services and minimizing downtime.

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Karl Bickmore

CEO | Snap Tech IT
“We're providing better reporting, better data, better planning, and it's helping us win more deals — like significantly more deals — and our sophistication has gone way up.”

Dennis Houseknecht

CTO | WatSec Cyber Risk Management
“There's no all-in-one tool on the market — and I follow the market pretty closely — that has the depth and breadth of ConnectSecure's vulnerability scans, and that's presented in such an actionable way.”
Sandeep Kaushal

Sandeep Kaushal

President | TeamLogic IT
“ConnectSecure is a very important tool for us to determine the health of our prospects during onboarding. There’s no impact on performance and we’re able to collect a lot of data. There’s twofold benefit to that — we know what’s going on with their infrastructure and clients know we can provide proof that we’re keeping an eye on things.”
Paul Rouse

Paul Rouse

President and Owner | Rouse Consulting Group
“ConnectSecure really has opened so many additional doors and capabilities to extend our cybersecurity suite of services. It’s made us more efficient in many ways”
McKaila Posey-1

McKaila Posey

Cybersecurity Services Manager | Entara
“ConnectSecure has transformed our service delivery. Not only has ConnectSecure helped our clients really see the value we bring, but the metrics of our engineers also look fantastic.”

Learn how to win business with cybersecurity vulnerability assessments

Cyberattacks present an existential threat to SMBs. But you can help them thrive. Earn their confidence and build your credibility by leveraging cybersecurity assessments. It’ll be good for your bottom line.

Flag cyber vulnerabilities—and know exactly how to remedy them

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