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MSP Survey Reveals: Bridging the Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap Can Drive Sales

Written by ConnectSecure | Aug 20, 2024 3:35:00 PM

The importance of educating clients about cybersecurity is a recurring theme in the managed service provider (MSP) community. Helping clients understand the reality of cyber risk and the potential consequences of inaction can tee up productive sales conversations. But in order to effectively broach the topic of proactive cybersecurity, you also need a thorough understanding of the objections clients may voice and what it may take to win them over.

Cue our new Q3 Partner Panel Survey. To gauge the challenges and opportunities that our community of MSPs face when it comes to client education on cybersecurity, we asked them a series of questions. The takeaway? Educated clients make better partners—and better business.

Here’s what we learned.

Engaging Clients in Cybersecurity Education

The survey revealed that MSPs are employing various tactics to effectively engage clients in cybersecurity education. The most effective approach, cited by 22.2% of respondents, is getting client leadership on board. When the leadership understands and prioritizes cybersecurity, it sets the tone for the entire organization, making it easier to engage employees at all levels. Real-world examples from relevant industries and tracking visible metrics were also effective in getting clients to take cybersecurity education seriously.

MSPs also noted that in-person engagement and the use of gamification and metrics visibility can significantly enhance client participation. These strategies are particularly useful when trying to maintain ongoing engagement, as they make the learning process more interactive and relatable. But some MSPs pointed out that while engaging leadership is crucial, the challenge remains to effectively engage the broader employee base who are often the ones implementing these practices on the ground.

Measuring Success in Cybersecurity Education

When it comes to measuring the success of cybersecurity education initiatives, phishing tests emerged as the clear frontrunner, with 38.7% of MSPs indicating their preference for this method. Phishing tests are not only practical but also provide tangible metrics that can be easily communicated to clients, demonstrating both the effectiveness of the training and the areas where further attention is needed.

Completed training sessions and quizzes are also valuable metrics, giving MSPs a clear indication of client engagement and knowledge retention. Some MSPs use third-party testing while others take the opportunity to share employee engagement with cybersecurity training during Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR), further emphasizing the importance of continuous assessment in maintaining a robust cybersecurity posture.

Overcoming Challenges in Client Education

Educating clients about cybersecurity is not necessarily easy. The biggest obstacle, identified by 29.6% of MSPs, is keeping clients committed to the education process. Many clients struggle to see the immediate value of cybersecurity training, often viewing it as a low-priority task compared to their daily operations.

Another significant challenge is the clients' lack of understanding of the risks and value associated with cybersecurity practices. This gap in understanding makes it difficult for MSPs to communicate the importance of regular training and adherence to cybersecurity protocols. Time constraints and the inconvenience of training sessions were also noted as barriers, with some clients perceiving these sessions as a disruption to their workflow.

The Impact of Cybersecurity Education on Business

Nearly 60% of MSPs indicated that client engagement in cybersecurity education has a high to very-high impact on their business. This highlights the direct correlation between well-educated clients and the overall success of MSPs in delivering their services. Clients who understand the importance of cybersecurity are more likely to invest in additional services and take proactive steps to secure their environments, leading to better outcomes for both the client and the MSP.

The survey also found that an educated client significantly increases the likelihood of a sale. Over 55% of respondents noted that a well-informed client positively influences the sales process, underscoring the importance of education in building trust and facilitating successful business transactions.

Integrating Cybersecurity Training into the Sales Cycle

The majority of MSPs that we surveyed include cybersecurity awareness training in their sales cycle, with 48.1% proactively offering it as part of their service. This proactive approach differentiates MSPs from their competitors and lays the groundwork for deeper conversations about cybersecurity, ultimately leading to more comprehensive service offerings.

Including client education in the sales process helps MSPs build their reputation as trusted advisors, capable of guiding their clients through the complexities of cybersecurity. It also future-proofs their business by ensuring that clients are better prepared to handle emerging threats, reducing the risk of breaches and the associated financial and reputational damage.

Benefits of Including Client Education

MSPs who integrate cybersecurity education into their offerings reap multiple benefits, the survey reveals. Just over one in four (25.9%) cited the ability to stimulate deeper cyber conversations with clients as the most significant advantage, leading to additional revenue streams and risk reductions. By demonstrating their expertise and commitment to client security, MSPs can build long-lasting relationships that go beyond the initial sale.

For 7.5% of respondents, the education offering serves to weed out high-risk clients, ensuring that their client base is composed of businesses that take cybersecurity seriously.

Challenges in Incorporating Education into the Sales Process

Cost sensitivity among SMB clients is, at 22.2%, the most significant challenge MSPs face when incorporating cybersecurity education into their sales cycle. Clients often see these services as an added expense rather than a necessary investment in their security. MSPs indicated that explaining the complexity of cybersecurity to clients who may not have a technical background can slow down the sales process and make it difficult to justify the cost of their services.

However, the survey also indicates that MSPs must overcome these challenges if they want to establish themselves as leaders in the cybersecurity space. By finding ways to communicate the value of cybersecurity education effectively, MSPs can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth.

Final Word: What It Takes to Be Successful

The Q3 Partner Panel Survey by ConnectSecure highlights the critical role of client education in the cybersecurity strategies of MSPs. While there are significant challenges in getting clients to engage with and commit to cybersecurity training, the benefits are clear. Educated clients are more likely to invest in comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, leading to better outcomes for both the client and the MSP. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, the ability to effectively educate and engage clients will remain a key differentiator for successful MSPs.

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